We have identified a range of criteria against which submissions will be judged in each category. Categories and criteria for these awards have been developed in collaboration with our policy and technical team, with contributions from our advisory panels which include FTSE members and a range of representatives from banking and financial services.
These awards will be presented to individuals or organisations who have gone the extra mile to champion diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives either across the organisation or more widely.
Criteria may include (but are not limited to):
These awards will be presented to individuals or organisations in recognition of the contribution the treasury or client-facing team has made towards sustainability in their organisation or more widely.
Criteria may include (but are not limited to):
Sustainable Business Leader
Recognising an outstanding individual business leader who has displayed passion, commitment and creativity in delivering on their company’s environmental sustainability agenda.
Sustainable Future Star
Recognising an individual under the age of 30 who has displayed passion, commitment and creativity in delivering on the sustainable agenda in a business environment.
Diversity Business Leader
Recognising an outstanding individual business leader who has championed diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives with enthusiasm, determination and innovation.
Diversity Future Star
Recognising an individual under the age of 30 who has championed diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in a business environment.
Submitting your entries for the awards couldn't be easier, simply:
Start your nomination by accessing our online nomination forms.
Request a nomination form as a Word document by contacting hjamieson@treasurers.org.