You need different resources at different stages in your career and the ACT Future Leaders in Treasury group is designed to support you while you are building and developing your knowledge and reputation.
The group is dynamic and interactive and will help you to grow and network with those in a similar position to you. It provides resources, in the form of blogs, articles, webinars and events, to highlight key technical, business and behavioural content, all from the point of view of someone working at a tactical, operational or managerial role, as well as opportunities to network.
In addition, the Future Leaders group provides an opportunity for you to help shape the profession – we really want to know what you think. We will use the ideas, knowledge and expertise generated to provide practical, useful outcomes for younger members.
The following blogs and articles have been written by Future Leaders or from the perspective of the Future Leader to support those in the earliest stages of their treasury career.
1. Career stories - our webinar series available via the Community Hub
2. Diary of a treasurer - Ondrej Sehnal,, gives an update six months' after his first blog
3. Diary of a treasurer - Ondrej Sehnal
4. Future leader profiles: making a difference
5. Fulfilling your potential: profile of Ian Cooper
The group is designed to engage with younger treasury professionals, to provide support in networking, career development and thought leadership and to promote the ACT through building a strong and sustainable relationship.
We will endeavour to create a dynamic and fruitful debate in three ways:
Louise Woodroffe, Group Treasurer, Hastings Direct
You can keep up to date with the group by joining the ACT Future Leaders in Treasury LinkedIn Group. Requests to join this group are moderated.
Once you join the group, please turn on your notifications so that you receive an alert when we post something in the group. To do this click on the bell icon at the top of the page and change to "all new posts". This will ensure that the Future Leader posts appear in your notification feed on LinkedIn and any update emails you received from LinkedIn as well.
If you would like any more information on the forum and how to participate please get in touch, we're happy to help.