Convince your boss

Do you want to attend the ACT Middle East Treasury Summit but need help convincing your boss?

As a chartered body for the treasury profession, we appreciate how valuable professional development opportunities are. But we also understand the difficulty in getting the time out of the office (and sign-off from your boss).

We have created a customisable email template to share the benefits of attending the conference with your organisation’s decision-makers to help you convince your employer or wider organisation that you cannot miss the ACT Middle East Treasury Summit. 

Five reasons to attend

Prepare for upcoming challenges and ensure you are equipped to navigate the complex and uncertain environment that treasurers operate in

Keep up to date with the latest developments in treasury.

Learn from expert speakers and gain practical advice and insights on regional challenges.


Build your professional network and meet with suppliers in the exhibition hall.

Discover what your peers and competitors are doing to help ensure you stay one step ahead.

Book now

24-25 September

Grand Hyatt

Dubai, UAE

Registration note: bookings for the conference and dinner are made separately. Follow the guidance on the booking form.

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ACT Middle East Treasury Summit 2023

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