The ACT has survived and prospered over the years since its inception by providing an education bedrock for the development of the treasury profession. This has not been limited to professional teaching and examinations – critical though they are to establishing standards – but has included practical, focused training, policy and technical services as well as a broad-ranging events and conference programme. The intention has always been to enable new entrants, students and experienced members to come together and share knowledge in a variety of ways designed not only to benefit their individual understanding but to enhance overall standards in treasury, risk and corporate financial management. The ACTME committee will draw on these principles to support the development and enhance the sharing of treasury knowledge and practice in the Middle East.
The Treasurer reflects the ACT in that its mission is to bring the core elements of treasury, risk and corporate financial management to its readership. In addition it offers wide-ranging content in respect of career progression, technical developments and a broad overview of business and commercial topics. Supplements to the magazine have included articles on pension matters and corporate finance, as well as the regular series on Cash Management.
The launch of the Middle East Supplement aims to bring a published focus to treasury management issues for the region which will prove of benefit to all our readers. It is our hope that the Middle East Supplement will educate and inform its readership and facilitate the growth of the treasury profession in this fast-moving and business-oriented region.
Head of Publishing
Chairman ACT Middle East committee
Group Treasurer, Mubadala Development Company