An update to the UK Money Markets Code (the Code), a voluntary code of conduct written by market participants and endorsed by the Money Markets Committee, was published Friday 7 June 2024. James Winterton highlights the key points.
Co-chaired by the BoE and FCA, the FSRIF publishes a workplan twice a year setting out its regulatory reform plans for the next 24 months in the form of a grid.
This latest edition reflects the key themes and measures from the Edinburgh Reforms and the FSM Bill and is a useful resource for corporates who may be directly or indirectly impacted.
The FRF will impact treasurers and the ACT will work to ensure treasurers remain informed on this (extremely complicated) topic.
This paper provides useful background and in it, the UK government has set out its approach to repealing and replacing retained EU law on financial services in Building a Smarter Financial Services Framework.