
ACT Treasury Forum

2021 Outlook – Preparing for change

Thursday 21 January

09:30 - 09:50

Welcome address from the ACT & HSBC

Caroline Stockmann, Chief Executive, ACT
James Mortimer, Head of Corporate Banking UK, Global Banking and Markets, HSBC

10:00 - 10:45

Global economic outlook 2021

Hear an update on the state of play of the markets and the wider global economy, setting the economic background for the discussions that will follow later in the day.

Janet Henry, Global Chief Economist, HSBC

11:00 - 11:45

Keynote address: The journey towards ‘net zero’ – building a resilient UK financial system

  • BofE’s thoughts on the overall economy
  • The role that the climate stress test will have in helping us to understand the coming decades
  • How our supervisory expectations for banks and insurers feed into our work
  • The importance of climate disclosure

James Winterton, Associate Director, Policy & Technical, ACT

Keynote speaker
Chris Faint, Head of Climate and Small Mutuals, Bank of England

12:00 - 12:45

Panel Discussion: Redefining sustainable finance in the face of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the urgent need to consider sustainability and resilience in finance. This discussion group will explore how treasurers look beyond the pandemic and keep the focus on sustainability in the forefront of decision-making.

  • What is next frontier in sustainable finance?
  • Increased focus on Transition sectors and Supply Chain Finance
  • A broader focus for sustainable finance that encompasses both environmental and social elements 

Daniel Klier, Group Head of Strategy and Global Head of Sustainable Finance, HSBC

Will Rook, Director and Head of Refined Sugar and Ingredients, Czarnikow Group
Jonathan Curry, Global CIO Liquidity and Asset Management, HSBC
Farnam Bidgoli, Head of Sustainable Bonds, Head of EMEA ESG Solutions, HSBC
Leila Sassi, Corporate Finance and Treasury, Financing and Capital Markets Manager, LafargeHolcim

13:00 - 13:45

Pandemic Coping Strategies – a session designed to help treasurers reflect on their experiences and successfully lead themselves and their teams through 2021

  • The importance of developing and adapting coping strategies
  • Creating certainty from uncertainty: understanding what we can control, and an energy vs time mindset
  • Next normal vs new normal: strategies around guilt, hope and understanding oneself in a constantly changing environment

Caroline Stockmann, Chief Executive, ACT

14:00 - 14:45

Concurrent sessions
Choose one from the four options below

Discussion group A: Rebalancing the priority in terms of the holy trinity of liquidity, security and yield

The global pandemic has brought disruption to all aspects of corporate life and treasury management is no exception. Responding to worldwide market disruption treasurers had to act swiftly to temporarily adjust their liquidity management strategy whilst adopting new ways of working. As rates around the world trend lower for longer, this panel will take a forward look at the longer term implications for liquidity management strategy as treasurers consider rebalancing their priorities of liquidity, security and yield and consider whether a greater focus on ESG is needed.

Gareth Lloyd-Williams, Head of Global Markets Corporate Sales, UK, HSBC

Andrew Beaumont, Group Treasurer, Balfour Beatty
Jane Bonner, Senior Liquidity and Investment Consultant, GLCM, HSBC
Olivier Gayno, CIO EMEA Liquidity, AMG, HSBC

Discussion group B: Building a data-driven treasury

Treasurers are seeking more efficient ways to access data so that they can better fulfil the payment, liquidity and risk management demands of the business.

  • What can treasurers do to improve the quality of the data they consume?
  • How can treasurers efficiently manage the ever increasing volume of data in a timely manner?
  • What tools and techniques can help produce data-based business results? How is the appropriateness of these tools defined?
  • How are banks helping treasury teams consume data and put it to use more efficiently?
  • What do treasury teams need to consider as they shift to being more data-focused/led – technology, processes, upskilling?

Caroline Stockmann, Chief Executive, ACT

Cara Savas, Managing Director, European Sales Head for Global Banking Clients, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, HSBC
Joanne Towers, Managing Director, European Head of Payments and Card Product, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, HSBC

Discussion group C: Optimising the balance sheet to improve short and long term financial resilience

Many businesses have taken on higher levels of debt than they would have planned for due to the disruption caused by the global pandemic. How corporates manage their liquidity and the excessive debt will be critical as businesses look to get back onto a stable footing.

  • How has appetite for leverage evolved and the importance of equity
  • The dividend dilemma and how do you balance demands of all stakeholders
  • How has the pandemic changed approaches to liquidity and refinancing?
  • What different funding options should corporates consider?
  • Creating greater resilience in your supply chain

Sarah Boyce, Associate Director, Policy & Technical, ACT

Graham Boyd, Managing Director, Head of Corporate Finance Solutions, Global Banking and Markets, HSBC
Laura Wilson, Director, Leveraged and Acquisition, Global Banking and Markets, HSBC
Andrew Robison, Regional Head of Sales GTRF & CSTF Europe, HSBC
Richard Fagan, Managing Director, Equity Capital Markets, HSBC

Discussion group D: Will central bank digital currencies become inevitable?

Central banks around the world are researching this new form of money – central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

  • What are CBDCs and what is the benefit of a CBDC?
  • What timeframe could we be looking at?
  • What is happening across the world, i.e. China?
  • Used cases for discussion, i.e. CBDC bond issuance and the use of China CBDC for imports and exports
  • From a political perspective: what potential implications will CBDC have on the future of fiscal and monetary policy?
  • From a cultural perspective: how a CBDC may affect the digital payments landscape?

Naresh Aggarwal, Associate Director, Policy & Technical, ACT

Mark Williamson, Director Global Markets, HSBC

15:00 - 15:45 Repeat concurrent sessions
Choose your preferred discussion group from the four options above


Technology myth busting in 2021

Specific lens towards what will be most helpful to corporates and treasurers in 2021.

Naresh Aggarwal, Associate Director, Policy & Technical, ACT
Craig Ramsay, Head of Innovation, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, HSBC

16:00 - 16:30

Closing remarks

Caroline Stockmann, Chief Executive, ACT
Jonathan Graham, Head of Large Corporates UK, HSBC


This event has now passed

ACT Treasury Forum, 21 January 2021

Virtual event

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