ACT Treasury Forum

Virtual event by invitation only
Virtual event
Thursday, 21 January 2021

ACT Treasury Forum

2021 Outlook – Preparing for change

The ACT Treasury Forum is targeted at senior level treasurers, looking for strategic and insightful updates and analysis of issues facing the industry.  Unique in its structure, seniority and exclusivity, the ACT Treasury Forum has collaborated with HSBC over a number of years to develop this platform for leading treasury professionals to garner information, resources and relationships necessary to shape the strategic direction of their organisations.

Our virtual events space which has already proven to be a great success with the treasury community, provided the perfect platform for attendees to network via online chat, private messaging and video calling, as well as learn by watching a mixture of both live and recorded content.

Exclusively for corporate treasurers - registration was by invitation-only.

Bank of England presented a keynote address

The journey towards ‘net zero’ – building a resilient UK financial system

Chris Faint, Head of Climate and Small Mutuals, Bank of England (BofE) presented on building a resilient UK financial system and discussed BofE’s thoughts on the overall economy, the role of the climate stress test, supervisory expectations for banks and insurers, and the importance of climate disclosure.  

This event has now passed

ACT Treasury Forum, 21 January 2021

Virtual event

In alliance with

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