ACT Webinar - Automation is out, integration is in: achieving a connected financial office through treasury.

12:30-13:15, Thursday 24 February 2022
ACT Webinar - Automation is out, integration is in: achieving a connected financial office through treasury.

LATEST NEWS:  PwC's survey in 2021 noted that almost 50% of respondents were not using integrated or system-based processes. Have treasurers focused on automation at the expense of integration? Watch the webinar to learn how to achieve enterprise-wide financial visibility with a connected financial office.

How can one truly achieve enterprise-wide financial visibility?

Over the past two years, “cash and liquidity excellence” has been key for corporates, enabling them to continue operations, work towards recovery, and finally refocus on growth.ACT Webinar - Automation is out, integration is in; Achieving a connected financial office through treasury.

Corporates need comprehensive visibility of the organisation's cash and liquidity positions, far beyond treasury; the entire financial picture is required across the payables, treasury, and receivables lifecycle. 

With data trapped across multiple disparate financial solutions, automation alone is not enough.

  • How can one truly achieve enterprise-wide financial visibility?  
  • And perhaps more importantly, how can treasury and finance teams truly achieve the intelligence and agility needed to protect and grow the business? 

Watch the webinar to explore the importance of integrated solutions, the opportunities offered by the connected financial office, and the role that treasury can play in it.


Click on the speakers' photos below to view their bio.

Gareth Priest
Chief Platform Officer
Tom Leitch
Director of Sales
Bottomline TreasuryXpress


Sarah Boyce
Associate Director - Policy & Technical

This event has now passed

This webinar, in association with Bottomline TreasuryXpress, took place on Thursday 24 February, 12:30-13:15 GMT.

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