ACT Webinar - Harnessing information derived from data in a digital treasury technology world

12:30 - 13:15 GMT, Thursday 3 December 2020

The global pandemic has treasury departments rethinking everything they do from liquidity and risk management to leveraging data and the latest in digital and advanced technologies.

Organisations are recognising in particular the value of data as a critical business asset to identify trends, patterns and preferences to drive improved customer experiences and competitive advantage. The problem is, users too often can’t find the data they need to perform desired analytics. Data tends to be buried in different systems or siloed in departments and often is unstructured. As the quantity of data increases exponentially, navigating through these data lakes can become too expensive, time consuming and subject to error.

Investing in analytics tools alone can’t deliver business value.

For a self-service analytics tool to do its job, companies need to ensure that the people using the tool can easily access the data they need across the organization – including siloed data living in various systems – and have full confidence in this data to apply it for greater business insight and results.  Effectively integrating disparate data from different systems and devices requires a complete understanding of the organization’s “data map” which is best achieved through data governance. This will be increasing important as the issues of where data is held will become an increasing focus for regulators in response to geopolitical events such as trade wars and Brexit.


Fraser Lee
Assistant Treasurer Operations
Grosvenor Estate Holdings
Andrea Pohl
Director, EY
Global Treasury Services
Sarah Beka
Presales Consultant


Naresh Aggarwal
Associate Director, Policy and Technical
Association of Corporate Treasurers

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This webinar, in association with FiS, took place on Thursday 3 December at 12:30 GMT.

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