Each Wednesday, the ACT Policy & Technical team sends out a newsletter covering the latest news and the key topics being raised by treasurers in relation to the COVID-19 crisis. What is at the forefront of treasurers' minds.
Weekly round-up | Liquidity barometer update | Capital allocation | Capital and ownership structure | Capital raising opportunities | Academic research on capital structure | Guidance on reviewing capital structures post the pandemic | Practical tips on equity raising | ACT Annual Conference 2020
Weekly round-up | COVID-19 – ACT survey | FX Liquidity Profiles during COVID-19 | Equity Capital Markets | Eligibility rules for the ECB bond purchase programme | Draft legislation relating to holding of company meetings | ACT Virtual Event: Festival of Treasury Transformation | ACT Webinar: 16 June | ACT Webinar: 17 June
Weekly round-up | Liquidity barometer update | Bank of England CCFF programme results | Potential treasury tax implications of COVID-19 | Intra-day liquidity | Market update from AFME on the bond issuance market | ACT International Treasury Week
Weekly round-up | ACT Liquidity Survey | Business Continuity Institute survey results | Getting ready to restart business | The Eurosystem's purchases of non-financial commercial paper | EACT | ACT International Treasury Week
Weekly round-up | ACT Liquidity Survey | CLBILS | Update on Strong Customer Authentication | The Financial Stability Board | The Loan Market Association | ACT and Fitch Webinar: Rating reviews during a time of business interruption | Fitch Navigator Tool | ACT International Treasury Week
Weekly round-up | COVID-19 ACT Survey | ACT Resources COVID-19 Hub | Association of British Insurers | Building operational resilience | Bank of England CCFF | CBILS Programme | Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee | ACT International Treasury Week | ACT Webinar: 21 April