It’s not just fashionable to ensure that you attract, retain and motivate high quality professional treasurers, it also makes excellent business sense.
As I write this blog nearly two-thirds of all our members have successfully completed their
CPD (Continuing Professional Development) declarations.
More than 80 major employers have had their learning development processes accredited by the ACT. Check out the latest ACT CPD accredited employer list. Employers are increasingly complaining about the shortage of skilled staff, treasury recruiters are now very active in filling the gaps helped by the Treasurer’s job pages.
My advice is don’t wait for the outcome. Take control of your career and use the summer to plan your next steps. The role of the treasurer is evolving quickly. I look forward to discussing these changes with you during one of our professional networking events in the coming months.
The recent Contemporary Treasurer survey reminded us that the treasurer’s role is becoming more strategic with an even higher board profile. It has also become more challenging as both banks and corporates wrestle with the consequences post global financial crisis. When planning your treasury career make sure you have the right skills. Please do watch out for the launch of the ACT’s treasury competency framework in September.
Leading treasury professionals are in demand. Your views are being sought across a wide variety of issues and this month is no exception.
My colleagues in the ACT’s excellent Policy & Technical team need your help. In short, market commentators, central banks, regulators and politicians are increasingly challenging real economy businesses on why they are building cash balances. As practical treasurers we’d like “to challenge the myth and field the facts”. We always prefer to underpin our detailed explanations with the latest thoughts of leading treasury practitioners. Please spend some time completing our P&T cash survey as this will really help us in our discussions.
The ACT spends a great deal of time supporting our fellow national treasury associations, through our umbrella treasury organisations IGTA and EACT. This month the EACT is in conjunction with
Reval - the EACT’s current technology partner, launching a survey to understand why treasury is changing and to better determine how technology could support this change process. Please do also try to support the EACT/Reval survey. The deadline for completion is 31 July 2014.