So, day two. Written like that it might seem innocuous, rather quiet. Well, anything but!
A commendable speech from Alison Rose of RBS spelling out their numerous steps on a redemption road was our starter for ten. Some questions left unanswered perhaps but confession it seems is good for the soul. And then something quite extraordinary.
Rarely I think have W B Yates and Trotsky been quoted in the same speech at an ACT event. Better yet: a tour de force from Sir Richard Shirreff, former NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander. History, politics, real strategic thinking and doubt cast on the West's political will to stand firm against Russian rhetoric. Real credit to our friends at Deutsche for bringing us one of the best speeches and speechmakers I have heard at any conference, anywhere. Bravo!
The rest of the day saw delegates working through successive track sessions covering debt finance, supply chain management, fx risk issues and plenty more. Your correspondent got the afternoon off from chairing and spent time scuttling around the exhibition, meeting old friends and making new ones.Topped off with our lively perennial, the ACT's Question Time everyone was left breathless but full of conversation. There's nothing it seems like a spot of thinking to work up a thirst!
And so to the Gala evening. Your correspondent has been good. Yes, it's late but given an early start he has retired early to reflect, read a good book and enjoy a drop of wine. I have no idea what I have left behind other than a excellent dinner, some old lags for splendid company at the table and some thrilling fireworks over the pitch at Old Trafford. The cricket one.
Oh yes, one more thing. We may sometimes be a little precious about our ACT but I defy anyone to show me the sheer quality of knowledge, skill and commitment that our members have, anywhere else. I am proud to be a member.