Our Chief Executive, Caroline Stockmann, welcomed everyone and thanked Gary Williams FCT and Mitsubishi for hosting the event. She then announced awards for two special groups of people:
To mark the special occasion of our 40th anniversary in 2019 and to recognise their significant contribution to the profession, Council awarded a small number of Fellowships to senior, practising treasurers and Honorary Fellowships to non-treasurers or those no longer practising. Certificates had been awarded in May at the Annual Conference gala dinner in Manchester, but not everyone had been able to attend. Caroline was therefore delighted to present awards to the following four new Honorary Fellows:
All four had made an outstanding contribution to the ACT through their involvement with the ACT Advisory Panel over a number of years and in Chris’s case as both a former chair of the Panel and ACT President.
We also recognised the top performing students, across our qualifications, from 2017, two of whom were at the event to collect their prizes and certificates in person.
We also look forward to our Ones to Watch event at the end of 2019, where we will be recognising our 2018 prize-winners and celebrating those people who have demonstrated excellence in treasury and made an outstanding contribution to their team, organisation or the profession. If this sounds like you or someone you know, then please complete the nomination form and put through your submission by 21 August.
We look forward to celebrating with you all towards the end of 2019.