ACT Treasury Network South West

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The next ACT Treasury Network South West meeting will be a roundtable discussion for ‘buy side’ professionals.

This is a great opportunity to discuss current treasury issues, share ideas and raise queries with a small group of peers. This is a meeting specifically for buy side professionals. ‘Buy side professionals’ here means people who are involved in raising or managing funding, liquidity, cash, risk management, treasury accounting, treasury related tax or any other treasury activity for a corporate or other organisation. Subject to the above, members and students are welcome to attend and to register colleagues who could also contribute. Chatham House rules will apply. This means that after the meeting you can use and share your learnings but you must use strict discretion about who you heard it from and what organisation it was regarding. This enables us to share more information in an atmosphere of trust.

This event has passed

For more information on the upcoming ACT Treasury Network events please click below.

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