Future Leaders in Treasury - Demystifying the Bond Issuance Process

Slaughter and May, 1 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YY
18:00, 9 October 2019

What is involved when you issue a bond?

Not everyone has the luxury of learning from others how to issue a bond and many people have to learn "on the job".

Courtney Huggins, Treasurer at Logicor, will take us through her experiences in issuing her first bond and some of the lessons she has learnt.

We'll then be joined by a panel of experts chaired by Naresh Aggarwal - an Associate Director in the Policy & Technical team at the ACT. They will provide an overview of their role, what they bring to the process and what information they need from the issuer. They will provide practical examples of when things have worked well and how the process can be improved. The panel will include advisors covering:

  • legal responsibilities
  • accounting requirements
  • book runner role
  • credit rating agency activities

We will also be joined by Sean Anderson, Head of Tax & Treasury at Oxford University who will share insights from their recent ground breaking £750m bond issue.



Wednesday, 9 October
5.30 - 6.00 pm


6.00 - 6.05 pm

Chair welcome

Naresh Aggarwal, Associate Director – Policy and Technical, ACT

6.05 - 6.25 pm

Case study. What’s it like to issue a bond for the first time?

Courtney Huggins, Treasurer, Logicor will talk about the technical and human aspects of issuing a bond, in discussion with Naresh.

6.25 - 7.15 pm

Panel discussion. Who’s involved when you issue a bond – a discussion with the main advisors.

We are delighted to have the following panellists:

Legal: Oliver Storey, Partner, Slaughter & May

Credit rating agency: Gianluca Spinetti, Senior Director, Fitch Ratings

Book runner: Sunil Kainth, Natwest Markets.

Accountancy perspective: PwC

Treasurer: Sean Anderson, Head of Tax & Treasury, University of Oxford



Slaughter and May 1 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YY

Bookings closed

We cannot accept any more bookings for this event however if you have any questions please email Zoe Norris at znorris@treasurers.org

This is a free-to-attend member only event

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