Ethnic Diversity in Treasury

Monday 7 November 2018
London, United KIngdom

Businesses with a more ethnically diverse leadership perform better and many employers strive for a more diverse workforce. Yet, ethnic minorities are still significantly underrepresented in executive roles across Britain. What are the main obstacles for UK companies wanting to fix the ethnic imbalance and employ a more representative workforce in junior, middle and senior roles?

This was an evening focusing on complex challenges of improving BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) representation in business. 


The keynote speaker is Dr Fiona Bartels-Ellis OBE, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the British Council. Probably one of the most qualified experts on this topic. In addition, our panel will discuss how best to recognise talent across the organisation.



Ropemaker Place

25 Ropemaker Street



This event has passed

The ACT Diversity and Inclusion Calendar: Ethnic Diversity in Treasury event took place on 7 November 2018 in London. To check upcoming events, click on the link below.

This event is free to attend


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